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Community Building, explained

Content is king

It might seem obvious and you’ve probably heard it a thousand times, but the content you put out there is the first and most important tool in your arsenal that you should leverage when building a community and engaging with them. Your content strategy needs to resonate with your audience, be highly educational, entertaining, and valuable to your community. This is the first step in creating a loyal follower base and create brand advocates.

A place to gather – IRL

This is obviously easier when you have physical locations, such as the Workinton co-working spaces where members can meet, mingle, and interact with each other. That’s where an engaging and lively Event Calendar becomes your best selling point and your unique selling point for people to want to be part of your community. Here at Workinton, we keep our members busy and entertained. Sign up for our newsletter to find out more about our upcoming events.

A place to gather – virtually

In the face of Covid, and to make sure we guarantee the safety of all our members, we’ve doubled down on our community engagement tools and our meeting place has gone virtual, Our newly launched private Facebook group is an exclusive Members-only virtual hangout spot where our Workin’Members can e-meet, chat, get to know each other, join forces and celebrate the wins together. If you’re part of the Workinton family, click here and join the virtual party.

Make’em feel like a thousand bucks

We all love to feel special, and the more perks and exclusive offers or services you give your community, the more likely they will be happy, stay loyal, and spread positive vibes on your behalf. And the peer-to-peer recommendation is worth a thousand times more than any marketing campaign you could do. Lucky for our members, we’ve got a whole lot of rewards at Workinton with our Workin’perks program, which offers an array of discounts and offers within a myriad of different sectors such as hospitality, health & wellness, and entertainment. Click here to find our more.

Bank on your own people

It’s hard to resist the temptation to automate processes and content management, but nothing beats real human interaction! If you follow us on social, you might have seen we just announced the appointment of our very own Community Happiness Officer, Leanne. Her main job is to keep all our members happy and make sure everyone has what they need to work, better.

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